Phone: 909-276-7214

Service and Repair 

duplicate files duplicate files duplicate files duplicate files duplicate files duplicate files duplicate files duplicate files duplicate files duplicate files 

Computer Repair and Service for Home and Office; any type-spec.

We operate on all major brands and custom built PC's.

Small Business service plans available.

A few solutions that might solve the problem.

No power?

Test the Power Supply Unit, and discover the cause of the issue.

Broken screen?

Find the exact model for your screen, replace broken screen with new one and, Voila.

Wired/ Wireless Printer setup?

Check internet connection and how the printer is connected, then make necessary changes for all the users in the network.

No internet on all devices?

Sometimes a simple router/modem power cycle might fix this problem, that is a great start for this difficult issue.

Error Dialog screen?

The operating system is corrupted in a major way. Because the computer is unusable, that indicates that some major problem has to be found, and fixed.

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A company with years of experience, bringing Socal families the experience of a working system. Personal websites with professional, casual, distinguished look at affordable prices